Celebrating Year 13 Success at DRHS

Celebrating Year 13 Success at DRHS

‘A*-B grades continue to increase and students overcome personal challenges to achieve A level success.’

Year 13 students and staff at Denmark Road High School are celebrating excellent results today. Over 50% of the students in the Sixth Form achieved at least one grade A or A*. A fantastic 23% of students achieved at least straight As; with three or more A Levels at Grade A/A*. Student Support & Careers lead Lins Harvey was delighted to celebrate with students who overcame personal challenges to achieve exam success “These are the moments you live for in your job, to see the happy tears of students who have worked so hard”.

Sophie took a year out from Year 11 to concentrate on her mental health, she returned to Denmark Road as she had an ambition to go to university. With the support of the Sixth Form Team and teaching staff Sophie achieved BCC and is looking forward to completing a degree in nursing.

Tash Doherty, one of the Senior Student team at Denmark Road, proudly achieved three A*s, “It feels so strange to be receiving my results today, and that my journey at Denmark Road has come to an end. I am feeling nervous but excited about going to Cambridge to study Land Economics.”

Orla Gibson will also take her place at Cambridge having achieved three A*s, “I am pleased with my results today and I am looking forward to studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge.” 3 A*s.

“It is such a weird feeling to be collecting my results today, as I have wanted this for such a long time!” shared Ella Mae Sparey (A*,A*,A*), “I am excited to be taking up studying Psychology at Cardiff University.”

Amelia Hayman (A8,A*,A,A) exclaimed “I am thrilled with my results and am looking forward to studying Veterinary Medicine at Nottingham University.”

Headteacher Claire Giblin said “These fantastic results are a richly deserved reward for our dedicated, hard-working students. Nearly 90% of students got their first choice University place and our students are going on to study a wide array of degrees in fields as diverse as Medicine, Law, Architecture, Accountancy, Design, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering and Psychology. Others, such as Sarah Scott and Chloe Shepherd are going on to degree apprenticeships, they will study Business Management and Electronic & Civil Engineering respectively. I am also delighted that the results today recognises the efforts of our teaching and support staff who have done so much to help and encourage them. We are proud of the achievements of our students during their time at Denmark Road Sixth Form.

Head of Sixth Form Vicki Mannion said “It has been a privilege to work with this year group. Through our bespoke Edge programme they have contributed hugely to the school and local community and very much deserve their success today. Everyone is an individual here at Denmark Road Sixth Form and I know that there are many students who have had to overcome challenging journeys to achieve their success today. I am proud of the support that our dedicated Sixth Form team provided them and seeing their delighted faces today was the best moment of my year.” Darcey is one such student, following eighteen months working from home with continuous support from the school she proudly achieved ABB. Darcey is currently working with disabled young adults which she loves and is looking forward to applying for paramedic science in 2025.