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Primary Transition Programme

Through our exciting and thorough transition programme, we enable our students to take a confident first step into secondary education. 

We get to know them as individuals; recognising and tackling the challenges they may face, whilst boosting their self-esteem, communication and leadership skills to successfully discover, realise, honour and shape their potential in Year 7 and beyond.

Our Primary Transition Programme is detailed below or you can read our Starting Your Denmark Road Journey 2024 guide below.

Starting Your Denmark Road Journey 2024

On March 1st, the Local Authority will inform you of your child's secondary school allocated place. If you would like to find out more about the Admissions process before this point please click here

On the same day, we issue an online form to your child's Year 6 teacher to start collecting information about them, in order to create a smooth and supported transition process. This form will help us understand any SEND needs for your child, identify if there have been any safeguarding concerns we should be aware of and help us to learn about your child's personal hobbies and interests. 

Throughout the spring and summer terms, a member of our dedicated team, led by Head of Year 7 Mr Ollie Brown, will visit every student at their current primary school for around 20 minutes. This will give them a chance to get to know your child and tell them all about life at DRHS. We share our transition booklet with them (downloadable below), fill in a Student Passport and also speak to their teacher. On the rare occasion an in-person visit is not possible, a video phone call will be arranged instead. 


Our summer Open Events are often attended by those who have already accepted a place with us - it is a chance to visit us in action again and help become familiar with our site. You are welcome to attend with your child.

Towards the end of June we hold our Rising Year 7 Evening, where your child will find out which Tutor Group they are in and will get to meet the rest of their class. Their Tutor Group denotes their House, so for example, if you arrive and your child has a sticker on their envelope saying 7Ba, they are in Barwell House, which is green. If they have a 7H sticker they are in Hartland, which is yellow and so on. For further information about our House system please download our guide below. 

On the evening there will be a short welcome talk from some of our team before your child goes off to their Tutor Base to meet their tutor and the rest of their class. They will enjoy some bonding activities together. Meanwhile, parents/carers remain in the Hall for a more in-depth talk regarding what to expect and prepare for as a DRHS parent. You will find out about the rest of the transition programme including the first bonding trip, our curriculum and when to start in September.

Parents/carers and their children can then meet up at our popular Second Hand Uniform sale; this is a great chance to grab a bargain as every item is £4 and we receive so many generous donations of brilliant quality uniform. Bringing cash is helpful if you can. 

​Find out more about our school uniform. 

You will be able to top off the evening with a visit to our Restaurant, where the Aspens catering team prepare samples for you to try. 

As part of the pack your child will receive on the night, they will have a personalised handwritten postcard from a current Year 7 student. This will help them to feel known and enable them ti visualise where they might be in a year's time. 

This evening is also a great opportunity for you to get to know other parents. You may wish to share transport responsibilities or find out who else will be using the same bus service. 

In early July your child will take part in a Taster Day. Typically this is on the same day as all the other schools in the county, including primaries, sometimes known as a 'moving up day'. 

This is a non-uniform day, children should come dressed in casual, comfy clothing and be prepared for activities. We usually ask that they bring a simple pencil case (pen, pencil, rubber, highlighter) with them as well as a water bottle. 

On their Taster Day your child will find out all about the Denmark 365 Summer Challenge and take part in other transition related activities. They will also learn about the BOOST Programme, which is a self-leadership programme delivered by trained students with modules including; emotional regulation, self-compassion, building relationships, self-care and being resilient. To find out more about BOOST click here.

The first day in September sees only Years 7 and 12 on site.  This is a chance for all those new to the school to explore and settle in, without the entire student body in the school.

On this day, all network and Restaurant logins will be established and timetables will be given out. There will be some structured lessons but no need for PE or Art equipment is required. Students will get to experience visitors performing a transition show, which will both help to alleviate any worries they may have and signpost them to the support services available.

Sixth Form students also write postcards to our new Year 7s. These will be given out on this day with opportunities to meet their pen-pal arranged, in order to offer support from our most experienced students to our newest.


Early in Term 1 all Year 7 students will take part in a bonding trip to Croft Farm. They will explore the water, use team-building skills and get to know each other on a fun-packed activity day.



During Term 1, as a parent/carer you are invited into school for a meeting with your child's Tutor. Your child will join you for the meeting and then take you on a tour of their school before returning to their lessons. 

Mr Ollie Brown, Head of Year 7, regularly checks in with our Year 7 students throughout the Year. Along with a brilliant team of Tutors, he provides mentoring and support for each individual. 

Sixth Form students regularly lead our BOOST Programme to empower and enable students to understand that everyone has the ability within themselves to make good life choices, no matter who they are or what their background. 

As a Young Minds Matter Trailblazer school, we have great access to a network of support should our team feel the need to make a referral. If a student is referred to Trailblazers, they will come and visit the student at our site within school hours to support them. 

There are a range of trips and activities for Year 7 students, including a trip to the theatre during the winter terms, a Bikeability programme in the spring, the ever popular Laurie Lee walk in the summer and a final PGL residential to top off a successful first year at DRHS. 

Denmark Road High School - Headteacher Leading an Assembly

At the end of the year, a Celebration Assembly with Mr Brown and Miss Giblin, will give the chance to reflect on how far students have come and the great achievements of the year. Head of Year Recognition Awards are given to those who have gone above and beyond expectations. 

Denmark Road High School - Students Celebrating