Monday 20th May 2024 (noon) to Friday 28th June 2024 (noon)
Registration for the test for admission into our school for Year 7 2025 is now closed.
If you have missed the registration window to register for the test please read the Missed Test Registration process below:
Your child’s Test Centre School will contact you with times, what to bring, what not to bring, etc. in early September.
The same test will be held at all seven Gloucestershire Grammar Schools on this day.
From September 2024 onwards: If you have missed the registration date for the entrance test in September 2024, there is a Late Test in February 2025. The Application Form is now live - please click here to register.
Please note, parents will still need to check our website in January for the final testing details.
Please note that the Late Test is to give your child an opportunity to join our Waiting List. Regrettably, they will not be able to be offered a place on National Allocation Day, due to the timescales involved.
Please see the document below for the Missed Test Registration Process.
All Gloucestershire Grammar Schools will issue results during the morning of Monday 14th October.
We ask that parents are patient, with nearly 12000 emails being sent across the county, they will take some time. An email will be sent from each school where results have been requested to be shared.
Should your results email not have arrived by 3pm on Monday 14th October, please email We will process your query as soon as possible on Tuesday 15th October.
Parents/Carers must submit their secondary school Common Application Form to their Local Authority by 31st October 2024.
Your Local Authority will inform you which school your child has been allocated on this day.
Please note : GCC strongly encourage you to accept the school place you have been offered, even if you go on another school’s waiting list, to ensure your child has a school place in September 2025.
Children who have not met the qualifying standard (i.e. have not passed the test) are unable to join the waiting list.
Important Dates:
Appeals Registration Forms can be requested from the Admissions Officer from the 3rd March 2025 - please note the school will be closed for the Easter holidays from 7th April – 21st April inclusive, therefore it would be advisable to request your appeal pack where possible before the Easter break.
Deadline to submit appeals registration form back to Denmark Road High School: Wednesday 23rd April 2025 (3pm)
Deadline for submitting any additional paperwork: Friday 25th April 2025 (3pm)
Dates of Appeal Hearings: 16th, 17th, 23rd and 24th June 2025
Before launching an appeal for your child to have a place at Denmark Road High School, we would urge you to consider whether you have grounds for appeal that go beyond suggesting that your child (like many others) would benefit from a Denmark Road High School education.
Very few appeals are successful. In the end, however, it must be your decision. One of the main concerns at Appeal is whether the admissions process has been conducted in a reasonable way, in line with the admissions policy or whether there has been a significant flaw in procedure that would have changed the outcome of allocation of places.
We advise that in accordance with the Admissions Code paragraph 3.6 we have corrected a misprint in our Admissions Policy 2025. The correction relates to over subscription criteria ‘v’ where ‘not’ was included in error. The misprint has been removed so the statement now reads as follows:
v) Applicants who have met the Qualifying Standard, or have achieved the Priority Standard and live within Gloucester (Postcodes GL1, GL2, GL3, GL4). The Priority Standard is not a fixed score but is determined each year by the School’s Admissions Committee. In any year the Priority Standard is lower than the Qualifying Standard but still reflecting a selective ability level. Within the category, applicants will be given priority if they are a looked after child; then if they have a sibling [d] at the School; then ranked by their distance from the school.
The full policy is available below.
We apologise for any confusion the misprint may have caused.
Admissions Policy 2025 Revised